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Call us: 01485 601700
There’s often a gentle acceptance by patients who are facing life-limiting illnesses, whilst those who are trying to cope with the very real reality of their terminal condition, or who have been recently bereaved can feel incredibly overwhelmed, devastated, confused, angry, scared… the emotions are endless, and are all very personal.
Sometimes grief is just too hard to bear, but no one should ever feel alone and having the opportunity to talk or just find a place to be reflective can make all the difference.
At a time of loss, meeting with someone who is not a member of your family, or a friend can help you make sense of your feelings in a different way.
Our service provides a safe space for patients and their families to talk about their feelings, fears, and concerns. This support helps individuals cope with the emotional strain that accompanies illness and loss.
We have a team of counsellors, support workers and multi-faith Chaplain who provide emotional support to patients and their families, including supporting children and young people, during times of illness and following bereavement.
Support can include talking about the future, managing important conversations with people close to you and helping you with adjustment to health changes. The team can also help reduce feelings of isolation by fostering connections within the community and facilitating support networks.
No matter your faith, our spiritual care is here for you. We recognise the importance of addressing big life questions, spiritual distress and the search for meaning. Our pastoral care may involve patients, their family and friends, exploring beliefs, providing religious rites (if asked for) or simply being present during difficult times. We have a reflective space at Tapping House along with beautiful gardens that you are able to make use of in order to support yourself fully.
The Hospice continues to be here and offer support into bereavement. Such support may be offered through one-to-one sessions with a member of the team or through potential access to one of our Bereavement Support Groups.
Our ESPS service offers a person-centered approach, making sure that support is tailored to everyone’s individual needs, preferences, and cultural or religious background.
If you would like to find out more and talk to one of our friendly ESPS team members, please call 01485 601700.
The bereavement service is a limited resource available for people who are bereaved of someone cared for by the Hospice team. Bereavements of more than two years ago require a GP referral.
Grief can often just be too hard to bear, but no one should ever feel alone and having the opportunity to talk or just find a place to be reflective can make all the difference. We provide patients and their families with emotional and spiritual support during the palliative phase of life and into bereavement. No matter your beliefs, our spiritual care is here for you. According to your needs we offer a simple but crucial space to reflect, grieve and mend at an indescribably difficult time.
Our guidance following a bereavement booklet can be found here to view online.
NHS – 111
111 offers immediate advice, support and signposting for people with mental health difficulties. If you are experiencing something that makes you feel unsafe, distressed or worried about your mental health, call 111 and select option 2
Samaritans Helpline (24/7 national confidential helpline) – 116 123
Samaritans providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress
Ask Lily – Please see the Ask Lily website for up-to-date information regarding local bereavement organisations
BACP (Register of Counsellors & Psychotherapists) – 01455 883300
Childhood Bereavement Network
The Childhood Bereavement Network (CBN) is the hub for those working with bereaved children, young people and their families across the UK.
Childhood Bereavement UK – 0800 028 8840
Helping children, young people, parents, and families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies.
Cruse (24/7 national bereavement helpline) – 0808 808 1677
GOV.UK Death and Bereavement Guidance for the steps you must take when someone dies
Grief Chat – Free, professional support through grief with a qualified bereavement counsellor.
The Good Grief Trust – a charity that connects people who have lost someone with local and national support services.
MIND – Mind offers information and advice to people with mental health problems call 0300 123 3393 (for information & signposting service)
Nelsons Journey Supports children and young people in Norfolk who’ve experienced the death of a significant person. – 01603 431 788
One to One Project – offer emotional support to people experiencing mental health difficulties, right across West Norfolk
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS) –
The only UK-based organisation offering peer-led support to adults impacted by suicide loss – 0300 111 5065
UKCP (UK council for Psychotherapy) –
If you are seeking therapy, you need to make an informed and safe choice. We hold the UK’s national register of psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors. 020 7014 9955
Way Foundation UK charity that offers a peer-to-peer support network for anyone who’s lost a partner before their 51st birthday
Wellbeing Service – Self-referral line 0300 123 1503; offers different types of wellbeing support
Winston’s Wish – Helps children, teenagers and young adults (up to the age of 25) find their feet when their worlds are turned upside down by grief.
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